Friday, October 19, 2012


aahh, what wonders LAZINESS can do to a hardworking student. miss deadlines, work slower than usual, blah blah blah, post photos LATE . . . yes, i was supposed to post the pictures from our school's acquaintance party 2 8 days ago . . . but NO, I was ambushed by a wild animal, no, a BEAST, the size of the empires state building . . . I tried to fight it, but alas, I was powerless against it . . . I fell on my bed, reached for my PSP, & started to play Assassin's Creed Bloodlines for the next 4 days. Graaagghhhhhh . . .

-this is our school's managing consultant-


-our theme for the party was "masquerade"-

-these are my crazy CRAZY friends-

-hehe, I left my "Organizer's Sticker" on a bus seat in front of me when I went home :))))-

-various circus acts---- I MEAN, intermission numbers-

-this was a very nice performance from our school's theatre org. it was very
creative & artistic, at the same time it had its own modern twist in it-


Sunday, October 7, 2012


okay . . . so i got really, REALLY busy these past days . . . uhmm, so . . . i wasn't able to post a new article here . . . so frustrating to be really REALLY BUSY, but its better than doing absolutely nothing for 3 straight hours, ain't it?

i'm not so sure about the beast sketch yet. Dunno when it'll be finished, since finals are right around the corner. *sighs*

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Upcoming Sketch 1

I'm practicing my BEAST SKETCHING~ i'm trying to inprove on my drawing on MMMMAAAWWWNNNNNSSSSTAAARRRRSSS~ Grraaawwr~

Hope I'll be able to finish it & post it here~ I HOPE

I'll try to post them this week until next week, i guess~  ^__^

Manila Bay Clean - Up Event Sumthin' Sumthin' (Part I)

So technically, we became TEMPORARY garbage collectors. JOKE. No, we, our school DFCAITTI, participated in a clean-up drive to try & clean up the shores of the Manila Bay. It was a lot of fun, actually. Doing community service & stuff. AND STUFF. But it was a bit disappointing, since me & my classmates & other students got on the last bus, & we were the last group to leave the school. It was SHITTY, apparently.  But still, we were really, really ecstatic to get on the bus when it arrived to pick us up. (^__^)

On the way to Coastal Rd., I sat on the left side of the bus, by the window. It wasn't an air-conditioned bus, but the air that went through our faces as we drove through the highway was unexpectedly refreshing, & incredibly clean. (O___O) I couldn't even believe it myself that the air WAS clean that time. Considering the fact that the Philippines isn't a really clean (LITERALLY & FIGURATIVELY) country. But i do know for a fact that there are people who are trying to save this country from being a waste-ridden, unclean piece of land.

So that's my piece. I'm a tad to lazy to add more to this (friggin') post.
Here are the pictures that I (& some others) took while we were doing this clean-up drive. Bwahahaha~ 

Buwahahahahahaha~ I first uploaded the NON-HUMAN pictures that I took while driving through the highway & while we were on the shores of the bay. XDD

some random woman covering the photo. hah.

Group Picture . . . OBVIOUSLY. (O___o)

my classmates (Graph 11 - Batch Echo)

Ma'am Madel SJ. Tolentino, Head of the Office of the Student Affairs 

Ma'am Madel with Ms. Jovy Flores

My FAVORITE picture that I took. This was taken after we got to our school after the clean-up drive.


(to lazy to add more text . . . ssssoooooo~)

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